Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Gravel is Dirt

Get a load of the Alaskan traitor:

Mike Gravel, a former two-term senator from Alaska and fringe Democratic and Libertarian presidential candidate<, urged people to stalk a federal prosecutor and his family in order to get criminal contempt charges dropped against Sami Al-Arian, an exclusive audio tape obtained by the Investigative Project on Terrorism shows.

Gravel, 78, spoke at a forum with Al-Arian's wife and two of their children Friday evening in Washington, D.C. During his remarks, he focused attention at the prosecutor driving the case:
Gravel: "And so what I would say, if there is somebody within the sound of my
voice who has the time to do it, find out where - is it Gordon? Who's
the, what's his name?"

Audience member: "Gordon Kromberg."

Gravel: "Find out where he lives. Find out where his office is. If you've got some chutzpah - which is a word that you don't hear often - if you've really got it, find out where he lives, find out where his kids go to school, find out where his office is; picket him all the time. Call him a racist in signs if you see him. Call him an injustice. Call him whatever you want to call him, but in his face all the time. They can't take the heat; deliver it to them. We have to stop laying down to these injustices."

The full story is here.

Mexican Army Invades Arizona

Agents assigned to the Border Patrol station at Ajo, Ariz., said the Mexican soldiers crossed the international border in an isolated area about 100 miles southwest of Tucson and pointed rifles at the agent, who was not identified.It was unclear what the soldiers were doing in the United States, but U.S. law enforcement authorities have long said that current and former Mexican military personnel have been hired to protect drug and migrant smugglers.

Story here.

Sunday, August 3, 2008

Progress on Scooter, Part I

Before: No mods.
Items: 1. New Cobra Fat Daddy Pipes 2. Wrapped with heat cloth. 3. New bags (11" width saves modifying turn signal lights).
Result: 1. Runs like a scalded dog 2. Mileage: TBA 3. More trip storage

Total Schmuck

Only an idiot would not acknowledge that there is a hideous amount of inflation burning around us now. The dollar is crap...domestically and internationally. The world economy promotors, bankers and job exporters have seen to that, along with the jumping fuel prices. And with the fuel affecting all parts of the merchandise and food costs in the country, the answer is

stay the course on lower interest rates?????

Why don't we all just chip in and buy Mr. Bernanke some nuts?

He could sure use them.